(Psalms 30:5) ….Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.
Sometimes we face unwanted or undesirable situations. At such times, we ought to pray fervently and deal with issues in the spirit for proper transformation to happen. Do you know the word translated ‘morning’ in our theme scripture means ‘early’? The Spirit of God is telling you that He has released what will bring you early joy and comfort now. Your triumph will be an early triumph.
According to our theme scripture, weeping is permitted to come only at night but in the New Testament, the Word of God calls us children of the day (1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness). That means it is an error for you to suffer anything that will make you weep. Therefore I provoke the anointing in Psalms 30:5 to begin to work for us today and forever. Halleluyah!
Meditation: (Psalms 30:5) ….Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.
Activity: Spend time in prayer today and declare that joy has come to you now.
Confession: I am a child of light and of the day. I do not live in darkness or night hence I refuse to weep. Joy has come. Triumph has come. I am walking in joy and the blessings of the Lord. I am blessed. Halleluyah!
If you have never been born again then make the confession below.
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Ben and Team
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