OCTOBER 25, 2022
(Hebrews 4:15) “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”
In the Amplified Classic Version of the Bible, Hebrews 4:15-16 is rendered as “For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize, and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning. Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]”. Hallelujah!
You never have to worry about sins and temptations, for you are master over them. For sins, Jesus took it out of the way for you, and even if you go wrong there is grace for you (John 1:29).
All you need to do is ask for forgiveness. With temptation, you just need to pray so that you don’t enter into them (Matthew 26:41). And if they come, don’t worry, for God’s Word to you today is “you will be tempted at all points, yet you will be without sinning” for Jesus took your sin away.
Declare in prayer today that it doesn’t matter the temptation that may come upon you; you will remain without sin. Hallelyah!
Confession: I look like Jesus in every respect. He was tempted at all points, yet without sin. In my case, Jesus took away my sin, so no amount of temptation would produce sin in me. Jesus is my righteousness and victory. Hallelujah!
Say this if you have never been born again. I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Bernard and Team
Facebook: Pastor Bernard Efa
YouTube: Pastor Bernard Efa