"Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit" 3 John 1:2 NLT.
Christ Family is a non-denominational church for all nations, who believe in the full gospel and committed to Christ and His word. We are dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through ministry, fellowship and worship. Our church is not just a house of worship. At its core are the members and believers that come together to practice God’s word, celebrate His love and extend His gifts to all. You are welcome here.
God's Word
God's Word

Jesus is Risen Indeed

Jesus Heals through his body; the Church

Life Eternal 2

Justified In Christ

Life Eternal 1

Triumphant in Christ
Get daily updates on God's eternal Word and build up yourself for a life of glory and excellence

“I had been sick for one week, coughing daily. During Sunday service, apostle prayed for me and I was instantly healed. Glory to God"
Brother George
“My husband and son had allergies for long and couldn't eat certain kinds of foods. When apostle and his wife prayed for them, they have both been healed."
Sister Star
Our Man of God
Apostle Mark, called and ordained by God to bring people to the obedience of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to equip them in order to make them ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many have been blessed through his ministration of the Word and power of God, and have been touched, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and bodily. Kindly join and you will be enriched tremendously, for Jesus is still ministering through his servants by the Holy Spirit.
We want to know you and hear from you.
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or sign up for updates.
Email: christfamilyaffair@gmail.com