(Genesis 1:1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
The Word of God says, God created us to be and function like him (Genesis 1:26). Hence, we must be quick to consciously think and act like God. If in the beginning, God created something, then let us also learn to create things at the beginning of all that we do. By this, I mean create your certificate before you enter the school, create your children before you enter the marriage, create the day you want to check out of the earth, create money before you start your business, create health, etc. It is so simple to do this.
All you have to do is to say in the name of Jesus I create money for my business; in the name of Jesus I create children for this marriage; in the name of Jesus I create long-life for myself; in the name of Jesus, I create a university certificate; etc. Another way is to meditate on some scriptures or sing songs of worship to God, then when you get charged in your spirit declare the things you want to create in your life. The moment you say them, they are created in the spirit. With time they will appear physically in your life. Learn to create the things you want with your lips because you are like God. Halleluyah!
Meditation: (Genesis 1:1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Activity: Spend time in prayer today and create the things you need in Jesus mighty name.
Confession: I think like God. I dream like God. I talk like God. I function like God. I am created in his image. I am a creator and I create the life I want with my lips. Halleluyah!
If you have never been born again, then make the confession below.
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Bernard and his Team
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